Frequently Asked Questions

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Patients FAQ

How long will it take to get the results?

Results of Neurokaire™ Pharmacogenetics test will be delivered to the ordering physician approximately 10-14 days from the time we receive the sample and order requisition form.

Patients FAQ

Are the results of the Neurokaire™ report confidential?

NeuroKaire (formerly Genetika+) is a HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) covered entity. Results that contain protected health information will only be shared with the ordering physician and as otherwise permitted by law.

Patients FAQ

How is data from Neurokaire™ used?

Your patient’s identifiable health information collected through Neurokaire™ is protected in accordance with HIPAA requirements and kept confidential. De-identified data from Neurokaire™ is used to improve the way mental health is diagnosed and treated. De-identified data may be used in research and in the development of new drugs, therapies, and analytical tools. NeuroKaire's (formerly Genetika+) notice of privacy practices is available here.

Biopharma FAQ

How can GenetikaPlus’s technology be used to help my organization with drug development?

NeuroKaire (formerly Genetika+) combines our knowledge and experience into a dynamic platform which can be used to advance drug discovery. From target discovery to post marketing, NeuroKaire (formerly Genetika+) can be applied throughout the drug development lifecycle. We operate in parallel with your non-clinical or clinical processes to provide actionable results such as mechanistic insight and patient stratification.

Biopharma FAQ

How do I contact someone in the biopharma group to discuss a project?

For biopharma partners who would like to speak to someone on our Biopharma Team or learn more about our portfolio for biopharma and research partners, please reach out to

Clinicians FAQ

Which patients are eligible for Neurokaire™ IVD test?

Neurokaire™ IVD test is currently under clinical trial testing. If you would like to offer your Patients diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) to benefit from the Neurokaire™ IVD clinical trial send an email to or fill in an online form at

Clinicians FAQ

I am a healthcare provider who has never previously ordered a test from GenetikaPlus. How can I get started?

If you are a new NeuroKaire (formerly Genetika+) customer, send an email to ⦁ or fill in an online form at

Clinicians FAQ
Patients FAQ

Which patients are eligible for the Neurokaire™ Pharmacogenetics test?

Patients diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), or related psychiatric conditions may benefit from the Neurokaire™ Pharmacogenetics test. For more information, please email

Clinicians FAQ

Is your lab CLIA Certified and CAP Accredited?

All Neurokaire™’s genome profiling tests are run in CAP Accredited and CLIA Certified labs.

Clinicians FAQ

What is the Neurokaire™ IVD test?

The NeuroKaire™ IVD test is a blood test that helps doctors choose the best antidepressant medication for patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). The test uses a combination of imaging, genetic, and clinical data to predict how well a patient will respond to different antidepressants and how likely they are to experience side effects.

Clinicians FAQ
Patients FAQ

Who can order the Neurokaire™ Pharmacogenetics test?

Clinicians treating patients who suffer from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) can order a Neurokaire™ Pharmacogenetics test.